Flugantia is an innovative start-up established in 2018 in the form of a joint-stock company by a wide and open group of shareholders, so much so as to effectively represent a “public company”. The shareholders who invest in Flugantia pursue the purposes of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI), anyone who shares these values can become a shareholder.
The capital is held by key managers and highly qualified entrepreneurs both in the academic and industrial fields, governance is centered on a Board of Directors composed of five members including the President, the Vice-President with responsibility for finance, the Managing director. The B.o.D. uses the support of a technical-scientific committee.
The company proposes itself as a royalty company that fills the empty space between Industry and Research by drawing on various sources of funding. The business idea consists in selecting embryonic technologies from the world of research, acquire their rights in whole or in part, applying its own original production process to perfect them up to a grade of TRL7 and finally bringing them to the industry as a smart intellectual property, ready to be transformed into a product.
The company’s production process follows the time-resource equation and the “build-measure-learn” cycle of the Lean methodology, the aim is to be able to treat Research as a normal industrial process. This know-how is formalized in the exclusive industrial research model we have called the Agile Research Framework™. At the end of Q2-2019 more than fifty intellectual property products are in process with the Agile Research Framework.
Flugantia is today committed to building the network of companies and researchers according to its Industrial Plan, collaborations are already underway with: Campania New Steel certified incubator, CNR National Research Council, ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies, INFN National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Federico II University, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Vanvitelli University, Parthenope University, Area Tech Bagnoli Consortium.