Develop innovative products
An entrepreneur is interested in taking risks to develop innovative products, it must increase the objective value of the company, but for many this is a process with too many obstacles. AtFlugantia we focus on these:
Organization. Orienting the company towards innovation means adapting the corporate organization, researching or hiring highly qualified personnel and learning to manage it, acquire know-how that is foreign to the culture of his company.
Inertia. Every organization tends to evolve always doing better than what it already knows how to do, but in this way it precludes the most innovative roads.
Uncertainty. The environment in which companies move in times of crisis is characterized by high uncertainty about the direction of technological trajectories, profit opportunities, sector dynamics.
What Flugantia Can Do
We are a specialized organization that fills the empty space between Industry and Research, so we can offer you our “smart intellectual property”, able to be declined according to the objectives.
We focus on the potential consumer, conducting preliminary market research and performing competitive analyzes, always maintaining a close involvement of the industry and linking different sources of financing.
We can overcome the obstacles to innovation together.
Organization: the R&D staff is ours, as is ours to find, hire, organize and lead.
Inertia: we allow you to introduce a new product while leaving you focused on everyday life.
Uncertainty: we avoid excessive risks and contain the effects of possible failures, we reduce the time-to-market by avoiding investments with too long a return.